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Connect to the Breath

Connect to the Breath

Join Jamie and Jacko at Roar Movement in Nottingham on Sunday 22nd January for a unique breathwork experience bringing together two of the best breath training coaches in the United Kingdom.

Learn the science behind different breath training and breathwork practises. Experiencing the benefits of improved functional breathing that will be applied into practical elements of the workshop where Jacko and Jamie will guide you through better connection to your breath, for what is often a life changing experience.

Jamie Clements is a breathwork specialist and founder of The Breath Space. Jamie has worked alongside top entrepreneurs, politicians, athletes and many more, to share the life changing potential of breathwork and altered states of consciousness.

After discovering out first-hand just how impactful breathwork can be, Jamie strongly believes that breathwork is the most universal and powerful tool that we all have access to change our minds and live healthier, happier lives.

David Jackson is a Master Instructor with the Oxygen Advantage working now as a breath-work coach. A former professional rugby player, accredited UKSCA Strength & Conditioning coach, NASM performance enhancement & corrective exercise specialist on a mission to make breath-work a normal part of our everyday lives.​

This 11am-4pm workshop is £75, with an early bird discount of £10 until the end of the year using discount code ROARBREATH at checkout.

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